Port Republic Beach will be closed on Wednesday, September 1st and Thursday, September 2nd due to no lifeguard on duty.
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Tax bills for the City of Port Republic have been mailed. The grace period has been extended until THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th. However, if your payment in not received by the extended date, interest shall be charged back to August 1, 2021. You may view and/or pay your taxes online by […]
BEACH AREA CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!! A water sample collected from the beach within the past 24 hours indicates bacteria levels over the recreational bathing standard. THE BEACH IS CLOSED for swimming and bathing activities and additional samples have been collected. Resample results will be available tomorrow. If the resample […]
In a meeting on Monday, August 23 2021, with Atlantic County and Construction Officials, the following information was shared: 1) The waterway will be closed to boat traffic under the bridge from Riverside Drive side to about 2/3 of the way across the bridge from September 7th to September 21st. […]
City of Port Republic SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE In accordance with N.J.S.A 10:4-6 (The Open Public Meetings Act) and in accordance with Governor Murphy’s issuance of Executive Order No. 103 & 107, City Council of the City of Port Republic, County of Atlantic, State of New Jersey will conduct a Special […]
On Friday, September 24th at 9:30 AM The Run For The Fallen honoring Sgt. C. Floyd will be at our Chestnut Neck Monument.