Resuming of In-Person Meetings

The Mayor and City Council are excited to announce that we will resume in-person Council meetings beginning with our June 15, 2021 meeting. The meetings will be held at City Hall, 143 Main Street, Port Republic. The meeting workshops will begin at 6:15 pm and the meetings will begin at 6:30 pm.

Update on Construction of the Nacote Creek Bridge (PR-07)

We have received some exciting news on the construction of the Nacote Creek Bridge (PR-07)!

• As of today, approval by County to proceed with the bridge project was granted to contractor.

• The contractor has given a tentative start date of July 1, 2021.

• The project should last 794 calendar days with an estimated completion date of July 23,

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic – Thursday, May 27, 2021

The City of Port Republic will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on Thursday, May 27th from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at City Hall, 143 Main Street.  The Atlantic County Board of Public Health will be vaccinating Atlantic County residents 18 years and older.  Residents will be offered either the 2-dose Moderna shot or the 1-dose Johnson &

Atlantic County Polling Locations & Sample Ballots

Click here to view the polling locations & sample ballots for the June 8, 2021 Primary Election

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